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On June 22, 1941, Hitler attacked the USSR, and the Kremlin powerfully bombed Dobrich

Bulgaria and the USSR were not in a state of war - this would happen only on September 5, 1944

Jun 22, 2024 03:42 125

It is a little known fact that after as Hitler attacked Stalin, the leadership of the USSR ordered its glorious aviation to bomb the Bulgarian city of Dobrich. Bulgaria and the USSR are not in a state of war – this will not happen until September 5, 1944. I.e. the bombings are a completely unnecessary and unjustified aggression against a peaceful and friendly country towards the Soviet Union. For the second time in less than 30 years in the last 20th century, Bulgaria was attacked from behind by the country it considers its liberator.

This reminds me of

In 1941, World War II was in full swing. All of Europe echoed with machine gun and artillery fire. However, it is calm in Bulgaria. Although, because of the “Marita“ we are forced to side with Hitler, Tsar Boris III manages to prevent bloodshed. His diplomatic approach succeeded in returning Southern Dobrudja, seized from Romania, to the borders of Bulgaria without bloodshed. And Allied bombing is in the future – “the symbolic war” it will become a fact only at the end of the year.

Without being at war with the Soviet Union and without any reason or occasion, the city of Dobrich was bombed by Soviet aviation. Fortunately, there are no victims, but the population, which feels the Russian people as the closest, is puzzled. For the second time in less than 30 years, Bulgaria is being attacked in the back by the country it considers its liberator.
Bulgaria and the USSR are not in a state of war – this will not happen until September 5, 1944. That is. the bombings are a completely unnecessary and unfounded aggression against a peaceful and well-intentioned country towards the Soviet Union.

Unfortunately, this is not the only manifestation of aggression towards peaceful Bulgaria. Ruse, Stara Zagora, Kazanlak, Gorna Oryahovitsa were also bombed. The attacks against Bulgaria were not only by air, at the beginning of December 1942 they shelled the settlements in the Northern Black Sea. And a Soviet submarine attacked and sank the ship “Struma”, killing more than 700 passengers.

Bulgaria had other victims during the war. Anglo-American bombers sowed death and destruction, and only the self-sacrifice of the Bulgarian pilots prevented greater suffering.

The sacrifices of the allied aviation and the heroism of the Bulgarian pilots have not been forgotten, but impartiality requires us to admit that they took place in “military” time. And the Soviet attacks – they are without warning, without reason, sneaky and in “back”, sums up