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Ukrainian deputy: There is a colossal chance that we will cease to exist

Bezugla is known for her sharp language and criticism of Ukraine's military leadership

Jun 25, 2024 17:15 104

Deputy from the party of Volodymyr Zelensky “Servant of the People” stated that there is a colossal chance that Ukraine will cease to exist as a state, UNIAN agency reported.

Maryana Bezugla said that there is internal destabilization in Ukraine, and part of the blame lies with Vladimir Putin and his combined hybrid methods of attacking Kiev and sowing division.

Maryana Bezugla is known for her sharp language and criticism of Ukraine's military leadership. Experts say that the deputy with her statements and attacks is destroying trust in the military, as well as the image of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which can mean only one thing - a targeted information campaign.

Recently, Bezugla accused the commander of the Eastern Front of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), Lieutenant General Yury Sodol, for the breakthrough of the Russian armed forces near the village of Toretsk. Bezugla pointed out that while Russian troops were advancing in the area, the general was in an elite restaurant in Odessa.

In addition, Bezugla also attacked the Commander-in-Chief of the ZSU Oleksandr Sirsky, who, according to her, is returning the Ukrainian army to Soviet times with authoritarian methods.