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Trump admitted that he knew about Putin's plans to invade Ukraine

Trump again said that if he had been president of the United States in February 2022, Putin would not have invaded Ukraine

Jun 28, 2024 09:06 506

Trump admitted that he knew about Putin's plans to invade Ukraine  - 1

Former US President Donald Trump said during at the election debate with Joe Biden, that even before the full-scale invasion of the Russian army in Ukraine, he knew about this “dream” of Vladimir Putin.

Trump blamed Biden personally for the Russian invasion, claiming that there would be no war in Ukraine if he (Trump) were still president.

„Biden encouraged Russia (to invade in 2022). He handled (the war in) Afghanistan so badly, it was the most shameful moment in our history. And Putin watched this (note: the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan in 2021)... And Putin said to himself - “I think we should enter Ukraine”. It was his dream. I have spoken to him about it. The difference is, he would never have invaded Ukraine if I had been president,” said Donald Trump.

„This also applies to Israel, which would never have been attacked if I were president. Iran were ruined with me. I would not allow anyone to do business with them. They had no money for Hamas, no money for terror, for nothing. "Now the whole world is exploding under Biden," said former President Trump, who hopes to win another term in November. Biden, for his part, responded that he had never heard as much nonsense as Trump uttered in those few minutes.

Trump was asked by the host of the debate if he considered Vladimir Putin's terms to Kiev acceptable. The Republican answered in the negative. A few days ago, Putin said he would stop the war if Ukraine gave up NATO membership and 1/5 of its territories. “They are not acceptable, but this war should never have started. Biden has given $200 billion to Ukraine. Every time Zelensky comes here, he leaves with 60 billion dollars. He is the best businessman in history,”, Trump said.

The Ukrainian UNIAN news agency quoted Trump as saying that Ukraine cannot win this war. “Ukraine will not win this war. They are running out of people, they are running out of soldiers. They lost so many people. They lost these majestic cities with golden millennial domes - all because of him (Biden) and the stupid decisions he made. "Russia would never attack if I were president," Trump said. According to Trump, Biden “encouraged Russia to invade” due to the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021.

„They no longer respect us as a country. They don't respect our leadership. They don't respect the United States anymore,”, Trump said from the televised debate stage, attacking his Democratic counterpart. Joe Biden took issue with Trump's stance on Ukraine, accusing him of wanting to pull the United States out of NATO and spark a wider war in Europe. According to Biden, Trump is talking nonsense and if Ukraine loses the war now, then Putin will one day attack NATO.