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Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer clash in final televised debate before vote

Debate ends with no clear winner

Jun 27, 2024 05:24 54

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer clash in final televised debate before vote  - 1

Late last night British voters witnessed the final televised debate on the BBC between Prime Minister and Conservative leader Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer - leader of the Labor Party, which has a lead of 20 points in public opinion polls, BNR reported.

The general election is one week away. Immigration, the economy, welfare, Brexit and relations with the EU, borders, tax – these were just some of the many topics covered during the debate. An instant YouGov poll after the debate ended gave a tie. The two leaders exchange victories in the various areas, but when it comes to who has done better as prime minister, the difference is minimal – 42% think it's Starmer and 41% Sunak. Sunak once again demonstrated his ability to argue and persuade, but as one political commentator wryly pointed out, “the debates have been the strongest part of the prime minister's otherwise weak campaign.

There was more anger and passion in the debate last night and Sunack had virtually nothing to lose, given the Tories' deep trailing in the polls and poor predictions for the July 4 election. Starmer, on the other hand, had something to lose, but he was also more aggressive than usual. Both had keywords. For Sunak, it was the opportunity for voters to “surrender” of a Labor government. And for Starmer “the 14 years” of Tory management – something like “14 years is enough”. Journalists generally felt that, like the previous debate, Sunak was more energetic, more dominant and aggressive, while Starmer was slower to react, but they don't think that will change anything in the few days until the election.