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Thousands of Israelis demanded new parliamentary elections VIDEO

Protesters demanded the release of hostages held by "Hamas"

Jun 30, 2024 05:52 108

Thousands of Israelis demanded new parliamentary elections VIDEO  - 1

Thousands of demonstrators last night again took to the streets of a number of Israeli cities to demand the release of hostages held by "Hamas". ;, and for the calling of new parliamentary elections, reported DPA, quoted by BTA.

In addition to Tel Aviv, where the largest rally took place, there were also demonstrations in Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, as well as in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's private villa in Caesarea.

According to the protesters, Netanyahu is not making enough efforts to reach an agreement with the Palestinian Islamist group "Hamas" to release the hostages. Demonstrators say the prime minister is following the positions of his ultra-religious and far-right coalition partners.

Retired army general Noam Tibon told the rally in Tel Aviv that Netanyahu "cynically sabotages any deal even though he knows the hostages in the Gaza tunnels are being tortured and killed.

A video message from a hostage who was released three weeks ago was also broadcast at the rally in Tel Aviv.

"Although I have returned home, we must not forget the hostages who are still in the captivity of "Hamas". We have to do everything we can to bring them home,'' Noah Argamani said. She and three other Israelis captured in the bloody attack by "Hamas" against southern Israel on October 7, were released by Israeli commandos earlier this month.

The Israeli army launched its military campaign in Gaza in response to the attack by "Hamas" against southern Israel on October 7, when about 1,200 people were killed and over 250 were taken hostage, Reuters recalls.

Since then, more than 37,800 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.