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US general: Putin should not forget that the US and France also have nuclear weapons

The war in Ukraine will end when Putin realizes that he cannot win, said Wesley Clark

Jun 30, 2024 08:01 174

US general: Putin should not forget that the US and France also have nuclear weapons  - 1

A US general reminded Russian President Vladimir Putin, who often threatens NATO countries with a nuclear apocalypse, that the US, France and Britain also have nuclear weapons.

The former NATO Commander-in-Chief Gen. Wesley Clarke told "Espresso" TV that the war in Ukraine will end when Putin realizes that he cannot defeat Ukraine and keep the occupied territories forever.

Wesley Clark is certain that Russia will not use nuclear weapons against Ukraine – although he often makes similar threats in his rhetoric.

„However, this trump card (the nuclear arsenal) is not only in the hands of Russia, because the US, France and Britain also have nuclear weapons,”, Clark said. He does not think that Putin will be ready to sacrifice the existence of Russia.

The American general added that Ukraine has never been a military threat to Russia. "The people of Ukraine just wanted to be able to choose their own path," he said. “If Putin was thinking right, Ukraine and Russia could be partners today. Instead, he chose the wrong path based on a false history and the appeal of Russian imperialism, which has no place in the 21st century," Clarke concluded.