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Corruption scandal in Beijing! Two former defense ministers expelled from Chinese Communist Party

CCP leadership has expelled Li Shanfu and Wei Fenghe for "serious violations of party discipline and law", state news agency Xinhua reported

Jun 27, 2024 19:28 106

Corruption scandal in Beijing! Two former defense ministers expelled from Chinese Communist Party  - 1

The ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has expelled two former defense ministers of the country because of accusations of corruption, the Associated Press and DPA reported, quoted by BTA.

The CCP leadership expelled Li Shangfu and Wei Fenghe for "serious violations of party discipline and law," the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Lee was removed from office in October last year after disappearing from public view for almost two months.

China's Ministry of Defense said Li abused his power for personal gain by taking bribes and providing services in violation of military and party discipline. The former minister has "caused enormous damage to the cause of the party, the development of national defense and the armed forces, as well as the reputation of high-ranking officials," the statement said.

The charges against Wei, who served as defense minister from 2018 to March 2023, were worded in a similar way, DPA noted.

Wei was replaced in the post by Li, who in turn was replaced by Admiral Dong Jun in October - after only a few months in office.

And two cases have already been handed over to the prosecutor's office and an investigation has been started.

Similar accusations have been leveled in the past against a number of other military leaders during the administration of President and General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping, who is also the supreme commander of the armed forces as chairman of the Central Military Commission. He has made the fight against corruption a hallmark of his administration since taking power more than a decade ago, AP notes.

Last year, Li disappeared from the public eye for nearly two months before being removed from office. Inside sources say it is a question of carrying out a large-scale purge of officials suspected of conspiring with outside powers and simply of insufficient loyalty to Xi. High-ranking officers occupy high positions in Chinese politics and can enjoy enormous privileges, the AP points out.