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Ultra-orthodox Jews protested in Israel against conscription VIDEO

Their dissatisfaction was caused by the recent order of the Supreme Court

Jul 1, 2024 07:00 75

Ultra-orthodox Jews protested in Israel against conscription VIDEO  - 1

Thousands of ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel protested yesterday against conscription, DPA reported, quoted by BTA.

The protests were sparked by the Supreme Court's recent order to start conscription of ultra-Orthodox men.

Local media reported fierce clashes between protesters and police in Jerusalem. Police on horseback and water cannon were used to disperse the black-suited demonstrators. Protesters threw stones and attacked police officers, resulting in the arrest of five people.

Exemptions from mandatory military service for ultra-Orthodox men have existed in Israel for decades. However, these exemptions expired three months ago and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has failed to enact them into law.

As a result, the highest court ordered the suspension of government subsidies for ultra-Orthodox male of legal age studying in religious schools.