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The Chancellor: Germany will not be part of the war in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long considered Germany and NATO a party to the war

Jul 3, 2024 18:36 102

The Chancellor: Germany will not be part of the war in Ukraine  - 1

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz once again tried to convince German citizens that the country will not become part of the war in Ukraine because of the continued support for Kiev in its battle against Russian forces, DPA reported, quoted by BTA.

„Yes, I give a guarantee,” he said in response to a question in the Bundestag, repeating comments he had made before. “I stand behind it (these words) as Chancellor”, he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long considered Germany and NATO a country at war.

Scholz rejected the idea that there could be a ceasefire in Ukraine on Russian terms. “In my opinion, a ceasefire that includes the capitulation of Ukraine is something that Germany should never support,", he emphasized.

The chancellor pointed out that this was not an abstract issue, "as you can see from this strange peace proposal by Mr Putin".

"He said he was ready to agree to a ceasefire if Ukraine gave him more territory for free, so to speak,", Scholz said.

This shows that Putin has no intention of ending the war, emphasized the German chancellor.