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The Embassy of Ukraine to the Bulgarian rulers: Refrain from using the topic of the war for political purposes

Expressing gratitude, the Embassy of Ukraine calls for the consolidation of all political forces and civil society to increase assistance to Ukraine in the name of restoring sustainable peace and justice

Jul 6, 2024 10:04 113

The Embassy of Ukraine to the Bulgarian rulers: Refrain from using the topic of the war for political purposes  - 1

The Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Bulgaria calls on all officials and all political forces in Bulgaria to refrain from using the topic of the war for political purposes. Every day, Ukrainians pay the most terrible price for stopping the aggressor. Calls to limit or block aid to Ukraine in practice mean incitement to support the aggressor state. Delaying or limiting the provision of the necessary aid to Ukraine will not lead to peace, but to more casualties and to the front getting closer to the borders of the EU.

This is stated in a position of the Embassy of Ukraine in Bulgaria, sent to the Bulgarian media. Here is more from the diplomatic mission's comment:

And increasing defense aid to Ukraine will help strengthen security throughout the region, restore respect for international law, and bring a just peace closer.

Ukraine, together with allies, is working to implement the Peace Formula of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian side is grateful to Bulgaria, in particular to Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev, for participating in the founding Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16.

Only with joint efforts can and must the world community force the aggressor to stop the aggressive war and restore peace. Restoring security is only possible with joint efforts.

Ukraine highly appreciates and is grateful to the Republic of Bulgaria, the National Assembly and the Government for the decisions taken in support of Ukraine and for all the political, financial, energy, humanitarian and defense practical assistance provided. This is significant. contribution to our joint victory, confirmation of historically friendly Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations and mutual assistance in difficult times.

Expressing gratitude, the Embassy of Ukraine calls for the consolidation of all political forces and civil society to strengthen assistance to Ukraine in the name of restoring sustainable peace and justice.