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Putin's voice: Peace talks on Ukraine without Russia are completely meaningless

Putin and Xi spoke within the framework of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization convened in Astana, which for Moscow and China is a tool to counter the influence of the US and its allies

Jul 3, 2024 19:15 82

Putin's voice: Peace talks on Ukraine without Russia are completely meaningless  - 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed the issue of Ukraine and agreed that peace talks without the participation of Russia are meaningless, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, quoted by Reuters, BTA writes.

„In the context of Ukraine, the pointlessness of any formats without Russian participation was noted,” Peskov said.

Putin and Xi spoke within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit convened in Astana, which for Moscow and China is a tool to counteract the influence of the United States and its allies.

Putin told Xi that their countries are acting in their own interests, not against other countries.