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Netflix co-founder and Democratic congressmen called on Biden to quit

Three governors endorsed the current president after meeting with him

Jul 4, 2024 05:15 74

Netflix co-founder and Democratic congressmen called on Biden to quit  - 1

The co-founder of the movie viewing platform "Netflix" and one of the largest donors to the Democratic Party, Reid Hastings, has become the next person to call on US President Joe Biden to end his re-election campaign, BTA reported.

"Biden must give way to an energetic Democratic leader who can defeat Donald Trump and ensure our security and prosperity," Hastings said, quoted by the Associated Press.

The news of his call was first reported by the newspaper "New York Times".

Before that, an appeal in a similar spirit was made by other representatives of the circles in the Democratic Party. Among them was Raul Grijalva of the progressive wing of the Democrats, who became the second congressman from the party to call on Biden to withdraw from the race, Reuters reported.

This all comes after an interview with CNN by Jim Clyburn, a longtime friend and confidant of Biden, who said he would support a "mini primary" to be held on the eve at the Democratic National Convention in case Biden withdraws from the race for the White House.

Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina and a member of the US House of Representatives, floated an idea that appears to be testing the ground for a non-Biden alternative election to be made by delegates to the National Convention . According to Clyburn's plan, these mini-primaries could be produced during a videoconference meeting of delegates that would precede the Conference, which begins on August 19 in Chicago.

On CNN, Clyburn suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris, governors and other figures from the Democratic Party could be involved in such a race. "The conditions will be the same and fair for everyone," said the congressman.

Clyburn, who is a former member of the House Democratic leadership, said he personally had never seen Biden behave the way he did during the debate with Trump, and described the president's behavior as " disturbing".

The member of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Raul Grijalva, a congressman from the Democratic Party, calls on Biden to give up the race for the White House, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.

"If he is the candidate, I will support him, but I think this is an opportunity to look elsewhere," told the "New York Times" Grijalva, representative of the progressive wing of the Democrats, whose constituency is in southern Arizona on the border with Mexico.

Neither Grihalva nor Biden's staff have yet responded to requests for comment. Grijalva made his remarks ahead of a meeting between Democratic governors and the president, with Biden aiming to reassure them of his suitability to face former Republican President Donald Trump in the Nov. 5 election.

On Tuesday, another member of the House of Representatives, Lloyd DeGette, became the first Democratic congressman to call on Biden to step down.

Grijalva's appeal is another sign that the reverberations from the president's wavering performance in the pre-election debate with Trump last week are not abating, notes Reuters.

The Democratic governors of the states of New York, Minnesota and Maryland have expressed their support for US President Joe Biden in the election race for the White House.

The three were among state leaders who met last night with Biden at the White House, BTA reported.

According to the governors, they have full confidence in the president and had a frank conversation with him regarding his performance in the pre-election debate with his rival from the Republican Party, Donald Trump.

"We have been honest about the comments that reach us on the subject,", Wes Moore, governor of Maryland, told reporters after the meeting at the US presidency. His colleague from New York, Kathy Hawkel, said she was full of confidence after the conversation with Biden.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Waltz, who is also chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, said the president's performance in last Thursday's debate with Trump was poor, but added that he thinks Biden is suited to the presidency.
