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In Russia: Ukraine as a country should completely cease to exist

Russia never wanted peace with Ukraine. Putin wants her surrender.

Jul 4, 2024 07:02 100

In Russia: Ukraine as a country should completely cease to exist  - 1

Russian television openly talks about the destruction of Ukraine as a country, revealing the true goals of Vladimir Putin's regime.

Propagandist Yulia Vityazeva stated that Ukraine as a country in its current form should completely cease to exist.

„Grey zone, buffer zone... It doesn't matter. But there should be no state there. "I don't feel any empathy for Ukraine," she said.

Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine's Interior Ministry, said that this shows Russia's true goals. The Kremlin, when it talks about “peace” and negotiations, refers to the capitulation of Ukraine.

This was precisely the goal of Vladimir Putin from the very first days of the invasion. It was never just about overthrowing the political leadership of Kiev, but about the very destruction of Ukraine as an independent state.

The Russian media reflect the position of the Kremlin, because there are no free media in Russia, and the “journalists” who have been given the airwaves only spread the propaganda previously approved by Putin.