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Vladimir Putin from Astana: The Istanbul agreement can serve as a basis for negotiations on Ukraine

Russia has never refused negotiations and is now ready to continue them, the Kremlin strongman emphasized

Jul 4, 2024 16:20 106

Vladimir Putin from Astana: The Istanbul agreement can serve as a basis for negotiations on Ukraine  - 1

The Istanbul agreement between Russia and Ukraine can serve as a basis for resuming dialogue. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the SCO Plus meeting in Astana, reports TASS.

"The Istanbul agreement remains on the table and can be used as a basis for continuing these negotiations," added the Russian president.

He recalled that the head of the Ukrainian delegation initialed the agreement, therefore it "fully suits Ukraine".

"Russia has never refused negotiations and is now ready to continue them," Putin emphasized.

"Ukraine refused negotiations and did so publicly on a direct order from London, which means there is no doubt about it, and from Washington, about which Ukrainian officials speak directly and openly," he added.