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Gaza ceasefire? Opposition pledges firm support for Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu has authorized his representatives to resume talks on a possible deal with the radical Palestinian group Hamas to end the fighting in Gaza and release Israeli hostages

Jul 8, 2024 19:49 129

Gaza ceasefire? Opposition pledges firm support for Benjamin Netanyahu  - 1

The leader of the largest opposition party in Israel "Yesh Atid" ("There is a future") Yair Lapid said today that he will support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in parliament to stay in power if members of his coalition cabinet leave the government over disagreements over the Gaza ceasefire, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.

Netanyahu authorized his representatives to resume negotiations on a possible agreement with the radical Palestinian group "Hamas" for an end to the fighting in Gaza and for the release of the Israeli hostages who were taken to Gaza on October 7 last year.

Some of Netanyahu's far-right coalition partners have announced they will leave if the war ends before Israel wipes out "Hamas" and release the hostages. Resignations of ministers would overthrow the government, notes Reuters.

"A hostage deal is on the table. It is not true that Netanyahu has to choose between him and remaining in the prime minister's post," Lapid said at a meeting of his parliamentary group. "Let him conclude the agreement. I promised him security and I will keep my word," the opposition leader said, referring to the option of coalition partners leaving Netanyahu's government.

Lapid specified that it was a difficult decision, considering that he is in opposition to Netanyahu, but "the most important thing is to return the hostages home".

The two far-right parties in the Israeli prime minister's office, represented by the ministers of internal security - Itamar Ben-Gvir, and finance - Bezalel Smotrich, are categorically against a deal to cease fire in the Gaza Strip. They have a total of 13 parliamentary mandates, while Lapid's party has 24, Reuters notes.