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Eco-activists covered the Finnish parliament building with red paint in protest against peat mining

Ten protesters arrested for vandalism, the action organized by Elokapina and the Swedish Aterstal Watermarker

Sep 25, 2024 15:55 53

Eco-activists covered the Finnish parliament building with red paint in protest against peat mining  - 1

A group of eco-activists covered the building with red paint of the Finnish Parliament in protest against peat extraction, reports Finnish radio YLE, quoted by Focus.

The police were called to the scene around 8:00 a.m. (Bulgarian time) and a dozen protesters were detained. The incident is currently being investigated as vandalism.

According to the police, the Elokapina movement and the Swedish organization Aterstal Watermarker are behind this action.

The Aterstal Watermarker organization opposes peat extraction and aims to restore wetlands.

In Stockholm in March, a group of activists led by Greta Thunberg blocked the entrance to the Swedish parliament, demanding radical reforms to overcome climate disasters.