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Official: Brussels separated Albania from North Macedonia on the way to the EU

Tirana started negotiations on joining the union

Oct 12, 2024 20:00 71

Official: Brussels separated Albania from North Macedonia on the way to the EU  - 1

Albania officially started negotiations on joining the European Union, NOVA reported.

The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the EU Member States (Coreper) adopted a decision to open the first cluster in Albania's membership negotiations. This important milestone will be marked by the EU-Albania intergovernmental conference, which will take place on October 15 in Luxembourg.

Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia were supposed to start membership negotiations together, but this became impossible after the regime of Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski refused to fulfill the conditions laid down in the negotiating framework. For this reason, at the end of September, Brussels decided to separate the two countries.