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Interior Ministry chiefs will explain in parliament what they know about the activities of Martin Bojanov - the Notary

The petitioner for the hearing is Atanas Atanasov, co-chairman of the parliamentary group of "Continuing the change - Democratic Bulgaria"

Apr 4, 2024 07:22 129

Interior Ministry chiefs will explain in parliament what they know about the activities of Martin Bojanov - the Notary - 1

Parliament will listen to the resigned Minister of Internal Affairs Kalin Stoyanov and the professional leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the activities of Martin Bojanov - the Notary. This is provided for in point two of the work program of the National Assembly (NA), published on the institution's website.

The petitioner for the hearing is Atanas Atanasov, co-chairman of the parliamentary group of “We continue the change– Democratic Bulgaria“ (PP-DB). The session in this part will be closed to the media due to the discussion of classified information, the program also states.

Parliament created a temporary commission in connection with the activities of Martin Bojanov – The notary. Former chief prosecutors Sotir Tsatsarov, Ivan Geshev and the current acting chief prosecutor Borislav Sarafov were invited to the commission's meeting on April 2, but none of them appeared at the hearing.

The chairman of the commission Nikola Minchev from PP-DB stated that they will be sent a second invitation. He announced that he has received an answer from the Ministry of the Interior, which is in the secret office of the National Assembly, whether Martin Bojanov was a collaborator of the police.

Item one of the voted agenda of the parliament for today provides for the discussion of a draft decision on the implementation of the decarbonization policy through energy renovation of the housing stock in the country. People's representatives Nikolay Nankov, Denitsa Nikolova and Delyan Dobrev from GERB-SDS introduced the draft decision.

The program for today includes the annual reports on the activities of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the previous years 2020, 2021 and 2022. The program also includes the annual report of the State Information Security Commission on the overall activity on the state of the protection of classified information in the Republic of Bulgaria in 2022. The work program states that the session of the National Assembly in this part of it will be closed, as the report has a classification level of “confidential“.