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Stefan Dimitrov, who was arrested in the action against the "Customs" Agency, was hospitalized

He fell and hit his head this morning. He is currently being examined, his lawyer announced

Apr 13, 2024 14:08 206

Stefan Dimitrov, who was arrested in the action against the "Customs" Agency, was hospitalized - 1

Stefan Dimitrov, accused of smuggling, was taken to hospital. He is in the emergency department of the "St. Anna" District Hospital, bTV reported.

Stefan Dimitrov felt bad last night. He was brought out of the custody of “G. M. Dimitrov“ and was taken to the VMA for examination, after which he was returned to custody. According to Dimitrov's lawyer Ivaylo Naydenov from the VMA, they said they had no free beds.

Today, Dimitrov worsened again and fainted in custody. He was taken to the “St. Anna“ District Hospital, where he will undergo tests, lawyer Ivaylo Naydenov announced.

„I found out about what happened from the defender's girlfriend, who went on a visit. I found out from Stefan Dimitrov himself that yesterday he had serious problems with cramps in one half, severe headache, vomiting.

He was taken to the Academy of Medical Sciences for research, for unclear reasons they said they had no room to accept him. Although the doctor claimed that he should stay in the neurology ward, they said there were no places. It was returned to “G. M. Dimitrov“. His place was changed, notice, he was with other detainees and suddenly they moved him to the third floor alone”, said Ivaylo Naydenov.

According to him, Stefan Dimitrov fell and hit his head this morning. He is currently being examined.

In its position, the VMA said that “the patient was offered hospitalization at the medical facility, but he refused it. However, the doctors have specified that if he does not feel well at a later stage, he can turn to them again.