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Due to insufficient immunization: Bulgaria is at risk of a measles virus outbreak

It is dangerous to have children who are listed as vaccinated and in fact are not, said epidemiologist Dr. Christiana Bacelova

Apr 13, 2024 14:37 130

Due to insufficient immunization: Bulgaria is at risk of a measles virus outbreak - 1

Po data from the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, our measles vaccination coverage is below 95% of the first dose, which is a risk of virus breakthrough. I am concerned about who this child contracted and where. I have no information if it traveled abroad. If it did not travel, it means that it was infected by someone in Bulgaria and there are other cases.“

This was stated by epidemiologist Dr. Christiana Bacelova in the bTV studio.

The measles vaccine is in the mandatory immunization calendar. The danger is that there are children who are registered as vaccinated, but in fact they are not, said Bacelova.

„The first dose in Bulgaria is given at 13 months of age and has an effectiveness of 93%, which does not mean that a vaccinated child is only 93% protected, but means that roughly speaking, 93% of those vaccinated will have the full maximum protection against illness. Therefore, a second dose is required. It is already 97% effective, which still means that there are 3% of those vaccinated who could get sick. These are individual features of the immune system and people who do not respond to immunization for some reason are extremely few," added Dr. Bacelova.

According to her, it is important how the live measles vaccine is stored, as it is possible for it to become ineffective.

What are the symptoms?

„Until the third-fifth day, there are non-specific symptoms – high fever, runny nose, cough. On the second or third day, very characteristic spots can appear in the oral cavity, and on the third or fifth day, the characteristic rash appears, which is very small and usually starts from the head, explained the epidemiologist.

"Redness of the eyes is also characteristic in the first days. We have had cases where it is mistaken for an allergic reaction and children go undiagnosed for days. That is why it is important that the disease is recognized by doctors", explained Dr. Christiana Bacelova.