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Ivo Siromakhov: The day is not far when people will start to dispense justice themselves

Parliament is like the national football team - it only causes sadness and reluctance to watch it, says the screenwriter

Apr 13, 2024 17:11 275

Ivo Siromakhov: The day is not far when people will start to dispense justice themselves - 1

We are going to elections , because they want the life of the Supreme Judicial Council to be extended even further. This was stated by Ivo Siromakhov before the BNR.

"The big upshot of all the political wrangling is that the SJC probably won't be elected for at least another year, and an attorney general – at least two more years. As far as I can see, this CJSC and this attorney general are fine with everyone".

For a year, I did not hear a single criticism of Sarafov from the political parties, noted Siromakhov.

After its breakup, the group voted together on several things in the parliament, he pointed out.

"They were together against the proposal to limit gambling ads. Dependencies can easily be tracked here. This is a serious crime against the Bulgarian people. Their rhetoric may be against each other, but on key issues they vote together.

The political mafia will be left in isolation, and then it will shrink and disappear, predicts Siromakhov.

"Voters are less and less interested in Bulgarian politics. If we can outline a trend in recent years, it is that parties are increasingly turning into sects. There is a leader who acts like a shaman and tells them what is good. The deeds of these shamans-party leaders are not in any way questionable.

People who vote are reduced more and more to a small circle of sectarians and bureaucrats. The day is not far when only the hard cores of the parties will go out to vote. Normal citizens feel only disgust. Within 2-3 years, electoral activity will reach a critical minimum of 20-25% and those sent to power will be illegitimate.

People are starting to organize themselves. The day is not far when people will begin to dispense justice themselves. At some point, the country will have to reorganize itself.

Syromakhov also criticized ITN for abandoning the majority system.

"She was the flag with which ITN entered the parliament. There was a referendum in which 2.5 million people said they wanted a majoritarian electoral system.

The other thing is the party subsidy – ITN had a proposal to abolish it or reduce it to BGN 1, but this did not come true either.

No party fulfills its commitments to the citizens. Therefore, the party of "I do not support anyone" grow".

Syromakhov described the new acting Minister of Tourism and his former colleague Evtim Miloshev as "a person of unconventional intelligence".

The screenwriter expressed his distaste for politics and his absolute unwillingness to deal with it.

"There is no other profession that disgusts me more than politics.

The environment became like this. Parliament is like the national football team – causes only sadness and reluctance to look at it. How can I become an MP, as I can't wear a breeches! Look at the coefficient of useful action of the parliament, which has become a beaten market. These are faceless people.