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Rosen Karadimov: The change of deputy ministers is not a purge

I managed to make the BBR one of the most transparent institutions in Bulgaria, said the last head of the Komsomol via social media

Apr 14, 2024 12:31 168

Rosen Karadimov: The change of deputy ministers is not a purge - 1

You can't say that there is purge, when deputy ministers are changed, if key figures from the administration of the ministries are changed, we can think about whether there is such a process.

This was stated to the BNR by Rosen Karadimov, acting minister of innovation and growth, and emphasized that this change is "at the political level of the leadership and cannot be called a purge, because no one can oblige the responsible minister to work with a team he can't choose".

The official government of Dimitar Glavchev is politically balanced, he also said, specifying:

"After some recognize it as a government of others, and others - as a government of the first. This means that it is balanced politically".

Karadimov explained that he received an invitation for this post personally from acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev.

"I received the invitation in my capacity as chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB), which is one of the main structures within the Ministry of Innovation and Growth. ... I managed to make the BBR one of the most transparent institutions in Bulgaria. ... I am tempted to think that part of the motivation for my invitation was also this - the transparency and openness of an institution that is key to the Ministry of Innovation.

He pointed out that at one point the BBR had become "a household name - from a piggy bank of power to a pawnshop":

"Voices were heard for its closure, for its privatization, for the fact that it was meaningless as an institution and in that form it really did not have its functions. It can become the flagship of structure-determining policies at the national level, and thus it is recorded as goals in the law".