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Former Minister of Economy Nikola Stoyanov has no worries about the contract with "Botash"

If we do not take advantage of the rights that this contract gives us, we will be at a loss, he announced

Apr 14, 2024 12:55 239

Former Minister of Economy Nikola Stoyanov has no worries about the contract with "Botash" - 1

I hope that the official cabinet does not belong to any party, but is supra-party. It should be a cabinet made up of people whom Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev has deemed capable of taking over each of the portfolios. It is not bad that there are some ministers from the regular government who continue to work in their official capacity. This is what the former acting Minister of Economy Nikola Stoyanov said in the BNT studio.

Regarding the contract with "Botash", which is going to the prosecutor's office, Stoyanov emphasized that he has no concerns.

"I dare to say that the caretaker governments, of which I was also a part, in a difficult situation that required quick measures, are clearly a good target, a good target for the rise of the political parties themselves. I have heard many naive comments regarding this contract. If we do not take advantage of the rights that this contract gives us, we will be at a loss. But the contract gave enormous opportunities to Bulgaria and to "Bulgargaz", "Bulgartransgaz" to really become a distribution hub in this part of Europe", he commented.

Does Bulgaria lose from the contract concluded with the Turkish gas company "Botash"?

Nikola Stoyanov is adamant that the conclusion of the contract with "Botash" is a decision of the entire government. He explained that the terms for which contracts are concluded in the energy sector are longer because predictability is sought with them:

"When you achieve this opportunity with such a contract, you also deny others for a long time. You will start supplying them, as it should have been done, if, of course, the regular government, after trying to put this levy of 20 BGN on the transfer of gas through Bulgaria to other countries, thereby pushed everyone away, because Bulgaria is not predictable partner."