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Kornelia Ninova: There are two authorities - official and parallel, which steals money to pay judges, prosecutors and politicians

The system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is rotten from the inside and we do not trust that fair elections can be held this way, said the leader of the BSP

Apr 14, 2024 20:27 224

Kornelia Ninova: There are two authorities - official and parallel, which steals money to pay judges, prosecutors and politicians - 1

We expect problems with the honesty of the elections – such as covering boughtvotes, corporate voting and lack of timely measures regarding whistleblowing. This is what the BSP leader Kornelia Ninova said in the bTV studio.

„We categorically distinguish ourselves from the assembly, from these nine months of management, from what they are doing now, from the mutual accusations and the game of opposition. At the same time, these people are about to reunite after the elections. This is a lack of any morality, consistency and principles in politics”, she explained.

Cornelia Ninova is adamant that the BSP distinguishes itself from everything and is an alternative to the policies pursued so far. She also commented on what is happening in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as follows: “The system is rotten from the inside and we do not trust that fair elections can be held this way”.

„I have never heard of Nikolay Nikolov-Pascal. I'm not in those departments. Perhaps the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Revenue Agency and the “Customs” have information. "I was in the Ministry of Economy, and I was an investigator in my early youth," she commented on what was happening in the "Customs" Agency.

According to her, all this is “one episode of one process – process of mastering the state and parallel power“. There are two authorities for her – official and parallel, which steals money to pay judges, prosecutors and politicians in high positions.

She recalled a record related to GERB leader Boyko Borisov, who ordered the “Customs” to withdraw his examiners from a brewery. “Then I think it was about the non-payment of excise duty and VAT”, she explained.

The BSP leader commented on the role of the services and the prosecutor's office in this whole process. Ninova believes that everything is done before the election. However, the important thing, according to her, is that all these accusations be completed, that they enter the court and that there are concrete sentences.

Cornelia Ninova comments on the behavior of “We continue the change”.

„They embraced the model they fought against before the elections, legitimized it, restored it, returned Boyko Borisov to power. This is their huge pea to the Bulgarian society. There was another option – to make a supra-party, programmatic, expert and temporary government”, she was categorical.