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Daniel Stefanov: Apparently there are many politicians in Bulgaria who think that they can win the elections through the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Our electoral system is such that from now on it will most likely produce such parliaments with very equal parliamentary groups, without a dominant party, said the election expert

Apr 17, 2024 10:34 95

Daniel Stefanov: Apparently there are many politicians in Bulgaria who think that they can win the elections through the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 1
< p>"The worst thing that seems to me to be happening is that the culture of political debate and political conversation is falling. Even with the opponent, with the enemy, you must be able to have a normal conversation. This is a very important feature of democratic systems. We are increasingly losing this ability.

This is what the election expert Daniel Stefanov commented to BNR, who does not expect an election campaign with ideas and disputes about policies.

According to him, the parties should learn that the way they conduct the political dialogue in public sets an example:

"If the political dialogue is of such a quality, there is no way for the voters to show any other attitude towards the parties themselves.

"Increasingly, societies are divided into groups that are so sure that they are right that they form the so-called tribes. The main characteristic of the tribe is that there is no way for a person to pass from one tribe to another. Our parties are turning into just such organizations, which largely excludes the possibility of dialogue and the worst – for common action", he expressed his opinion in the program "Above all"

In his words, our electoral system is such that it will most likely from now on produce such parliaments with very equal parliamentary groups, without a dominant party. There will have to be much broader coalitions than there have been so far, Stefanov explained and reminded his thesis that the parties have a serious problem with the coalition culture. He noted that the lesson after the last three elections was not learned:

"I am worried that we are again going in the direction in which it was already clear that this is not the way to behave, because firstly after that the turn is very sharp and secondly – a lot of your voters don't really want to take it".

"Apparently there are many politicians in Bulgaria who think that they can win the elections through the Ministry of Internal Affairs", the expert pointed out with regret and said from his experience that this is not the case.

"The other problem is that increasingly the two grand coalitions rely on getting as many of their most loyal supporters as possible, the so-called hard cores, they already tried all kinds of tools to activate them. The tools to activate these hard cores have to get sharper and sharper," he added.

In his words, whatever violations there were in the elections in Bulgaria – parliamentary, European, presidential, never changed the outcome, there was only a change of mandates. According to him, it is dangerous to talk about the possibility of elections with unrecognized results.

Daniel Stefanov also commented on the problems and challenges ahead of the 2 in 1 elections. He noted the issue of machines, ballot design, invalid ballots, training of section committees and video surveillance.