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Kornelia Ninova: Mr. President, replace Glavchev, do not negotiate with the mafia

Declaration on behalf of the PG of "BSP for Bulgaria"

Apr 17, 2024 11:17 88

Kornelia Ninova: Mr. President, replace Glavchev, do not negotiate with the mafia - 1

In the last 48 hours, things have been happening in the country that represent a pogrom on statehood and the principles of the rule of law. I will recall the events with verbatim quotes:

April 2, Boyko Borisov: “We do not interfere with the official government”.

April 9 – Boyko Borisov: “I categorically stated before the ambassadors of the EU countries that GERB has no connection with the official government“.

You categorically lied to them, Mr. Borisov – the EU ambassadors.

April 15, Boyko Borisov: “Glavchev should replace the foreign minister. If acting Prime Minister Glavchev does not comply with this recommendation, I will make him comply subsequently”.

A few hours later, the foreign minister was replaced.

April 5, Dimitar Glavchev: “I don't see who would convince me to make changes in the cabinet”. Well, now, Mr. Glavchev, have you seen who could convince you to make changes in the cabinet? Not to convince you – to coerce you, to threaten you with dire consequences if you don't. If you haven't seen it who is – the entire Bulgarian people saw it, and our European partners, whom Borisov personally lied to, also saw it.

This is the poodle in politics.

Tomorrow Borisov can order Glavchev what the results of the elections should be? Will he fulfill them too?

This is the change in the Constitution and judicial reform – legalization of lawlessness, pogrom over statehood and the basic principles of the legal and democratic state of transparency, separation of powers and fair elections.

The parallel state became official, personally led by Boyko Borisov – at the time by phone to the head of customs, to the Supreme Judicial Council, now directly to the acting prime minister.

Mafia is not just a combination of crime and power – the mafia is the power today in Bulgaria. Puppeteers appoint pawns - the pawns serve the puppeteers.

This is the Borisov model – 15 years in Bulgaria, somewhat shaken and firmly restored, with the changes in the Constitution, etc. judicial reform of the democratic forces.

Of course, there is a way out of this situation and neither hope nor the desire for change should be lost – those of 2020 that were trampled.

And we turn first to President Radev:

Mr. President, do not negotiate, do not haggle for the ministers with the backroom. There is no negotiation with backstage and mafia. Just replace Glavchev. This is your power under the new Constitution – vacate this prime minister and elect another. This is a proven party candidate of GERB.

But, in addition, 48 hours has already been proven obedient and executor of the will of GERB and personally of Boyko Borisov. What guarantees us that this will not happen every day from now on?

Nothing can guarantee it to us.

We appeal to the European ambassadors to react:

Borisov sat at your table, looked you in the eye and lied to you that GERB had nothing to do with the office. This cabinet, which should be equally distant party-wise and guarantee the fairness of the elections.

Dear European ambassadors, let's stand together behind the principles of the European Union – for transparency, for the fairness of elections, for the separation of powers, for the rule of law and for the fight against the backstage and the mafia in all EU member states.

And finally, the most important address – the address to the Bulgarian people:

Dear Bulgarian people, citizens, a while ago Borisov said: It is a complete coincidence that Glavchev changed the foreign minister after my speech.

How long? How long will we put up with this nonsense – with the Bulgarian people, with the principles of the state's existence, with the foundations of statehood? How long will one person make fun of everything that Bulgaria has been and can be in the future? Everything is in your hands. It's up to you very soon.