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API announced the next emergency repair of the Danube bridge near Ruse

It foresees an overhaul of the busy facility. Since its construction until now, this has not been done

Май 9, 2024 12:23 348

API announced the next emergency repair of the Danube bridge near Ruse  - 1

From May 13th to 31st, the organization of traffic in a section of the Danube bridge near Ruse is being changed for emergency repair of a joint of the facility. In order to carry it out, passing will be limited in a 20-meter section in the lane in the direction of Gyurghevo, and traffic will be allowed in stages in both directions in the lane to Ruse.

After the emergency works in this lane are completed, which will last about 10 days, traffic will be limited in the Ruse lane and vehicles will be allowed through the repaired section in stages. Crossing the bridge will be regulated by signalmen and border police, the "Road Infrastructure" Agency announced.

The appeal to drivers is to travel carefully, to strictly follow the posted traffic signals, to keep a distance and not to undertake risky overtaking that endangers the safety of others

The API program foresees a major repair of the Danube bridge. Since the construction of the facility, no such operation has been carried out. More than 22 years ago, the joints were reinforced, and in 2011, the waterproofing and the asphalt pavement were replaced.

The developed technical project for the repair of the facility provides for a complete replacement of the asphalt pavement,
on the panels, waterproofing, new restraint systems, markings, etc. A contractor has been selected for the implementation of the main repair and at the end of December this year, a contract was signed with the "Danube bridge" DZZD, after an open
procedure under ZOP.

Its value is BGN 44,877,228.68 including VAT. The approval of the technical project is currently being processed, after which it will be possible to proceed with the issuance of the construction permit.

At the same time, options for optimizing the construction process are discussed and considered with the contractor of the construction and assembly works, with the aim of reducing the difficulties of passers-by, especially in the active tourist season, when the traffic is the most intense, both from transit heavy goods traffic and and from Romanian tourists traveling to the Black Sea resorts.

The requirement of the Agency “Road Infrastructure“ it is up to the contractor not to stop traffic on the Danube bridge when the construction and installation activities begin. The work process will be carried out and organized so that traffic flows safely in one lane.