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FSC: Private pension funds manage BGN 23 billion in assets, 2,600 people already receive a pension from them

According to the latest data, the total number of insured persons in the four types of pension funds is 5 million people

Май 9, 2024 13:58 224

FSC: Private pension funds manage BGN 23 billion in assets, 2,600 people already receive a pension from them  - 1

As of December 31, 2023, the assets of private pension funds reach nearly BGN 23 billion, and their increase compared to the end of 2022 is 19%. This is indicated by the final results of the supplementary pension insurance activity for last year, published by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

The total number of insured persons in the four types of pension funds according to the latest data is 5 million people.

The fastest growing assets are the most massive universal pension funds, in which everyone born after December 31, 1959 is necessarily insured.

These funds report a 20% growth in their assets compared to the end of 2022.

Professional and voluntary pension funds follow, with growth for the same period of just under 15% and 10%, respectively.

The reported growth of voluntary pension funds under occupational schemes for the period was also just under 10%.

People receiving payments from the funds as of December 31 last year are almost 21,000 people, of which 2,600 are pensioners and the remaining over 18,000 people are on deferred payments. These are those insured in the universal pension funds and those who have reached retirement age.

The average amount of pensions paid at the end of last year was slightly below BGN 230, and the deferred payment - BGN 416.

Compared to the end of 2022, they increase by BGN 18 and BGN 64, respectively.

At the end of April, the Financial Supervision Commission announced that the average yield of the various types of funds for the last two-year period until March 2024 was positive.