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The Association for Modern Trade Against the Regulation of Overpriced Bread

With only a part of the negative effects of the change, we will be limited in offering the affected groups of goods

Май 9, 2024 15:11 246

The Association for Modern Trade, which unites the majority of food hypermarkets, called President Rumen Radev to veto the new regulation on the overprice of bread.

The changes concern the setting of a marginal trade markup of 15 percent for the main types of bread.

"With only a part of the negative effects of the change, we will be limited in the supply of the affected groups of goods, increased consumer inflation, reorientation towards imported goods at lower prices, possibly a reduction in investment and limiting the growth of income in the sector " Retail".

On their last working day, the deputies extended the zero rate of value added tax for bread and flour until the end of the year, but limited the surcharge in shops to 15% for the three types of bread - white "Dobrudja" and type. This provoked the reaction of traders, according to whom the change will lead to a distortion of competition, from which not only traders will suffer, but also end users.

With this motive, the Association for Modern Trade appeals to President Rumen Radev to return for a new consideration in the parliament the changes in the VAT law, adopted by the 49th National Assembly, explained Donika Rizova, director of "Communications" of the association.