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There is a lot of damage to the agricultural lands in the village of Slavovitsa

In addition to the cereals, there is also damage to the young corn

Май 10, 2024 11:04 250

There is a lot of damage to the agricultural lands in the village of Slavovitsa  - 1

Graduška swept away the crops in the land of the Pleven village of Slavovitsa, municipality of Dolna Mitropolia. Although it was the size of a pea, it destroyed nearly 100% of the grain harvest in the area, BNT summarized.

Fruit and vegetable plantations are also affected. Almost all the gardens in the village have been destroyed.

In addition to cereals, there is also damage to young corn after nearly an hour of hail and about 100 liters of rain.

"The damage in the village is 100%, we are talking about the plantations in people's yards. Those who have greenhouses have preserved something. There are no flooded houses because the village itself is on high ground," comments Galya Ignatova - mayor of the village of Slavovitsa, municipality of Dolna Mitropolia.

"I have a remark about the Executive Agency “Fighting hail“ to rethink the way of protecting the areas", said Ognyan Ignatov - a farmer.

"More attention should be paid to small settlements where agriculture is the main focus. Our livelihood is only agriculture. There is a missile site in the village of Slavovitsa, but there are hailstones, someone can explain why this is happening," said another farmer.