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A quarter of the Bulgarians sanctioned under the global "Magnitsky" act are candidates for deputies

Delyan Peevski leads two lists, Nikolay Malinov - also, and Vasil Bozhkov heads as many as three candidate lists

Май 11, 2024 16:12 268

A quarter of the Bulgarians sanctioned under the global "Magnitsky" act are candidates for deputies  - 1

Around a quarter of those sanctioned under "Magnetic" Bulgarians have applied for national representatives, Club Z.


Among the publicly known persons hit under the American anti-corruption law are Ivan Genov, Vladislav Goranov, Nikolai Malinov, Alexander Hristov Nikolov, Rumen Ovcharov, Delyan Peevski, Vasil Bozhkov, Ilko Zhelyazkov, Alexander Manolev, Petar Kharalampiev, Krasimir Tomov, Andon Mitalov.

Half of them were MPs in the past. One of them is like that at the moment – Delyan peevski. The latter has been a national representative since 2009. Peevski missed only two short National Assemblies – The 45th and 46th in 2021. It was during this period that he received the sanctions under the "Magnitsky".

After that, however, he surprisingly returned to the National Assembly. In the last year, he was even publicly launched as the leader of the DPS, and on February 24 he was officially elected as the (co-)chairman of Dogan's party.

In this election, he again headed two lists – in Blagoevgrad and Kardzhali. However, he will not participate in the elections for the European Parliament.

Another sanctioned under "Magnitsky" - Nikolay Malinov, also a former deputy, but from the BSP in the 40th and 42nd National Assemblies. In 2020, he headed the "Russophiles for the Revival of the Fatherland" party. At the moment, its chairman is led by another person. Otherwise, Malinov is a regular candidate for deputy. In the upcoming elections, he will also be the leader of two lists – in Sofia (MIR-25), as well as in Burgas.

Vasil Bozhkov, accused of a number of crimes by the Bulgarian prosecutor's office, will also take part in the vote on June 9. This will be done through the "Center" coalition. Bozhkov will lead as many as three lists – for the European Parliament, as well as for the National Assembly in Sofia (MIR-25) and Pazardzhik.

The only one who was on the verge of entering the lists of GERB, but for unknown reasons gave up at the last moment is Vladislav Goranov. A few days ago he explained why: "„Currently I have a bad rating from the USA and I am on the "Magnitsky" and I must make my way. Until then I will not allow myself to weigh on the party which is my cause and which I have helped all along”