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Ivan Demerdzhiev: It is inadmissible for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be run by a person who "performs the functions" and has no weight

When Kalin Stoyanov wanted to replace Petar Todorov as chief secretary, he declared that Kotsev was his personal choice, and now he declared that someone else was forced to appoint Kotsev, said the former MIA chief

Май 12, 2024 11:24 196

Ivan Demerdzhiev: It is inadmissible for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be run by a person who "performs the functions" and has no weight  - 1

The MIA can oppose vote buying, but the current leadership - political and professional, shows no will to fight these phenomena.

This is what Ivan Demerdzhiev, a lawyer, former Minister of the Interior in the office of "Galab Donev" told the BNR. and former Minister of Justice in Stefan Yanev's cabinet.

"We saw in the local elections how it is acted, what the official offices and the one of the assembly did. We saw a paradox, in nearly 10 regional cities there was not a single report and no accused. There are 100 reports in Pazardzhik and not a single one has been charged. Here the prosecutor's office is obliged and the chief prosecutor too. This cabinet is now modified to the assembly cabinet," Demerdzhiev pointed out.

And he added that "now it turns out that these political forces are the members of the cabinet. And how can this cabinet and ministers fight against the parties that stand behind them".

The former interior minister and lawyer is adamant that he would not become Zhivko Kotsev's lawyer:

"The main reason that I never understood, as a lawyer and a citizen, what the smuggling was. But a chief secretary of the Ministry of the Interior must observe the hygiene of his relations."

Demerdzhiev denied that he met father and son Dimitrov and that they went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs during his administration.

"I have not met, if by chance I had, I would appear in such photos,", he declared.

And he accused Minister Kalin Stoyanov of lying:

"When Kalin Stoyanov wanted to replace Petar Todorov as chief secretary, he declared that Kotsev was his personal choice and no one interfered in his personnel policy. And now he stated that almost certainly, someone forced him to appoint Kotsev. Obviously, Kalin Stoyanov is lying, and this is unacceptable."

Ivan Demerdzhiev promised to present facts about Dimitar Kalgandzhiev – the new chief secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who filed a lawsuit against the former interior minister.

"I'm not worried. I feel a responsibility to close this case and prevent people with dubious pasts from taking high positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is inadmissible for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be managed by a person who "performs the functions" and there is no burden on employees. So there should be no anonymous temporary figures in these positions. Very soon, facts concerning this person will become public knowledge, they will become clear from me, I stand by my words, I do not allow myself to say things that I have not checked and I am not convinced", Demerdzhiev promised.

And the case against him was filed because he accused Kalganjiev of patronizing a migrant trafficking channel. Ivan Demerdzhiev is adamant that there are more than two groups operating in the judicial system, those of Pepi Euroto and Martin Notarius.

And explained how the state should deal with this problem:

"The recipe is spelled out in more than 10 bills adopted by the Council of Ministers, which are in the National Assembly and are waiting for the deputies to consider them. The recipe is simple – publicity, judicial control over the acts of the prosecutor's office, introduction of full-fledged electronic justice by 2026. The fact is the National Assembly's reluctance to accept them, obviously this situation suits it, it does not want to fight, but supports it."

"When legally illiterate people carry out reforms at the constitutional level, these are the results of changes in the Constitution. The National Assembly would act permanently and have full control over the cabinet, and we saw the dissolution of the National Assembly during the election campaign. And the only thing that will work are the immunities and remuneration of the deputies. Either they aimed for this, or they didn't know what they were doing," commented Demerdzhiev.