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The healthcare crisis: Soon there will be hospitals that will pay extremely high salaries for nurses

We are short of nearly 17,000 nurses, the reasons are low pay, overwork and poor working conditions

Май 12, 2024 14:44 221

The healthcare crisis: Soon there will be hospitals that will pay extremely high salaries for nurses  - 1

The staffing crisis in healthcare is getting bigger. This is what the sector is sounding the alarm on International Nursing Day, bTV reported.

Our country is short of nearly 17,000 nurses, according to the report of the Economic Analysis Council to the Council of Ministers. A to achieve the best ratio – minimum of two nurses to one doctor, over 29,000 nurses are needed.

Among the main problems in the sector are low pay, overwork at the workplace and poor working conditions, underappreciation and neglect by doctors.

Hristina has devoted her entire professional career to one profession and one hospital.

„Oh, there have been many moments when you are exhausted from insomnia, when the mental strain comes to you. There are many patients. All this sometimes disbelieves you. But there are more good things and that's why you keep moving forward, says nurse Hristina Marinova-Nedelcheva.

says that he does not forget the severe cases of the smallest patients – when he tries to save a future.
“The profession is getting easier as there are many new technical introductions. But it is becoming more and more difficult due to the lack of staff, because it is rapidly aging and disappearing”, Hristina Marinova-Nedelcheva notes with sorrow.

In hospital “St. Ekaterina“ 90 nurses work, 40 more vacancies have been revealed.

„In order to be able to provide good health care, medical and nursing students are appointed in the 3rd-4th year. The average age of nurses is over 50 years. There are very few young people. If we take MU-Sofia, about 140 sisters graduate annually. However, there are many medical facilities and the needs cannot be met, explains the head nurse of the hospital "St. Ekaterina“ Iren Milenkova.

This cannot go on forever. And very soon, there will be hospitals that will pay extremely high salaries for nurses, but there will still be no one to work," says Milka Vasileva, chairman of the Board of Directors of BAPZG.

Fair distribution of the salary resource is key to attracting and retaining staff, health officials say.

„It is within the employer's power to provide incentives for raising the qualifications of nurses, so that these specialists have motivation for career development,” says the position of the Ministry of Health.

„People or rather the state should know that this profession should be revived. This should be done by attracting new personnel,'' Hristina Marinova-Nedelcheva is categorical.

Faced with the disease every day, she only wishes for one thing – health for yourself and others.