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Vanya Grigorova: The Istanbul Convention is a priority of the European BSP family, where will its MEPs sit?

We need politicians with a backbone to protect the Bulgarian interest in the European Parliament

Май 15, 2024 18:41 740

Vanya Grigorova: The Istanbul Convention is a priority of the European BSP family, where will its MEPs sit?  - 1

„We need politicians with a backbone to protect the Bulgarian interest in the European Parliament”, said the chairman of “Solidary Bulgaria” and leader of the list of the EP coalition Vanya Grigorova in a pre-election debate on "Eurocom" TV. “Blind obedience to Bulgarian politicians leads to huge losses for the citizens, as is the case with the so-called “Green Deal”, which pushes our energy industry towards declining functions”, continued Grigorova.

In response to a question put to her in the studio by the representative of the “BSP for Bulgaria” Velizar Enchev – “For or against the Istanbul Convention?“, the leader of “Solidary Bulgaria” reminded that this topic is closed, as the Convention was declared unconstitutional in our country by a decision of the Constitutional Court. “It is time to stop discussing closed topics, because we will look like those cave anti-communists who continue to fight with “communism“, which we do not have. There are far more important issues," said Grigorova.

According to her, the emphasis on the issues of minority rights, instead of social and labor issues, reflects the replacement of the ideology of the family of European socialists, of which the BSP is a part. This is also one of the reasons for the loss of trust in the European left. The Party of European Socialists has included the protection of minority rights among its priorities for the current European elections, Grigorova recalled, and in turn asked Velizar Enchev whether he would sit in the PES group in the European Parliament, if elected.

Vanya Grigorova did not receive an answer to this question, as well as to another one posed by her: What international positions will the possible representatives of the BSP in the EP support, bearing in mind that the leader of their list is Christian Vigenin, who at the beginning of the color revolution in Kiev went there to welcome the Maidan? And this was the beginning of the end of modern Ukraine and the beginning of the military conflict there, which began as early as 2014, including the burning of 50 people in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, for which no one has yet been convicted.

„And because of this, Ukraine is not a legal state, and until it becomes one, it has no place in the European Union”, concluded Grigorova, who, in addition to the Eurolist of “Solidary Bulgaria”, leads two lists for the national parliament. And in response to the host's question where she would feel more useful, she answered unequivocally that she prefers to solve people's problems through the mechanisms of national politics.