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The CEC has decided how polling stations will be formed in medical facilities and homes for the elderly

There must be at least 10 voters and they have expressed a desire to participate in the vote

Май 24, 2024 07:19 26

The CEC has decided how polling stations will be formed in medical facilities and homes for the elderly  - 1

The Central Election Commission determined by its decision the terms and conditions for formation of polling stations in medical facilities, homes for the elderly and other specialized institutions for the provision of social services, in places of deprivation of liberty and for detention and on vessels flying the Bulgarian flag, and preparation of voter lists, BNT reported.

A polling station is formed if there are no less than 10 voters, accommodated in these establishments or on board the vessel, who have expressed a written or verbal desire to vote.

The heads of establishments, homes and specialized institutions, places of deprivation of liberty and detention, the captain of the vessel within 48 hours before the election day – until 5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2024, must immediately notify the mayor of the municipality in whose territory the establishment, home, specialized institution, place of imprisonment and detention, the port where the vessel is based, in writing about the formation of a section .

Electoral lists for voting in places of deprivation of liberty and detention are drawn up and signed by the relevant supervisor, as the identity of detainees against whom there is no effective sentence is established from their personal files in accordance with the procedure provided for in Art. 54, para. 1 of the Law on Execution of Punishments and Detention.

No later than 5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2024, the managers of establishments and homes, through the mayor of the municipality where the establishment or home is located, notify the authorities under Art. 23, para. 1 of the IC for the voters included in the list with a view to deleting them from the voter lists at their permanent address before handing over these lists to the sectional election commissions. The notification is made by sending a copy of the prepared electoral roll, by telephone, fax or e-mail.

No later than 5:00 p.m. on June 6, 2024, the heads of the places of imprisonment and detention and the captain of the vessel notify the authorities under Art. 23, para. 1 for the voters included in the list with a view to their deletion from the voter lists at their permanent address before handing over these lists to the sectional election commissions. The notification is made by sending a copy of the prepared electoral roll, by telephone, fax or e-mail.

After conducting consultations, the mayor proposes to the regional election commission the compositions of these sectional election commissions. The regional election commission appoints members of the sectional election commissions.

On May 21, the CEC determined the procedure for forming voting sections for voters with permanent disabilities with a mobile ballot box