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Itso Hazarta spoke about the economic coercion and illegal practices in politics in the election campaign

In the previous parliamentary elections, we faced a tank and the society gave us a stick to fight it. Now some of the public is angry that we couldn't beat the tank with that stick, he said

Май 29, 2024 07:24 342

Itso Hazarta spoke about the economic coercion and illegal practices in politics in the election campaign  - 1

There are many ways to put pressure on the inconvenient or the competitors in politics. Threats, lies and illegal techniques are used in the election campaign.

"Everyone who deals with politics in Bulgaria should be aware that this is a special game. But the threats act differently on some - some are scared, others think they are on the right path.

This is what PP-DB MP Hristo Petrov, also known as Itso Hazarta, said in the program "The Day of Veselin Dremdzhiev".

"In a small town, you have a contract with one establishment, to have your band perform concerts only in this establishment. At one point, however, you get into politics, and shortly after, the manager of the restaurant calls you and informs you that some people he can't refuse have told him to terminate this contract. this is a method of economic coercion and it is applied quite widely", said Hristo Petrov.

"In the previous parliamentary elections, we faced a tank and society gave us a stick to fight it. Now a part of society is angry that we couldn't defeat the tank with this stick, and is threatening to punish us by taking away the stick."

According to him, this has led some of the coalition's supporters to criticize it.

"Who will he punish by taking our stick, I don't bother to answer, because people have to answer that question for themselves, but the most interesting thing is that the tank, if it chooses, can crush you in half a second , but he doesn't. Why doesn't he? First, because he's being watched, and he wants to present himself as something other than a tank that coats anything that would get in his way. And so he uses another tactic.

Instead of smearing you or shooting the cannon, he uses some other cannons that are on the side that shoot mud at all of us instead of projectiles. So that after all this time spent in politics, every normal person, seeing you covered in this mud, could say to himself, well, he's the same, look at them, they came out the same - he sold himself, he looked him and him, there is nothing for me to vote for, let me mind my own business", comments Hristo Petrov.