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With Yordanka Fandakova and GERB: Hundreds of cars received a card for free parking in blue and green zones

Only on the basis of these privileged anonymous users, the Center for Urban Mobility lost half a million BGN, stated the chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council Tsvetomir Petrov

Jun 3, 2024 12:28 304

With Yordanka Fandakova and GERB: Hundreds of cars received a card for free parking in blue and green zones  - 1

The previous administration of GERB and the former mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova had a specialized service - “Park for free in blue and green zone for privileged citizens”. This was said by the chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council, Tsvetomir Petrov, quoted by BTA.

Petrov explained that for the period 2012-2023, there were hundreds of cars that received a sticker/card for free parking. The cards have no registration number and no user data, he added.

Who are these privileged citizens, asked Petrov. In these lists, there are also 6-7 cars of KT "Support", the chairman specified. According to him, only on the basis of these privileged anonymous users, the Center for Urban Mobility (CMG) loses half a million BGN.

The municipal councilor from the group of "We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria" ("Save Sofia") Boyko Dimitrov said that only for the previous mandate, the Sofia Municipality lost several million. For this money, a parking lot for over 100 spaces could be built, he commented.

The municipal councilor explained that a hole of BGN 145 million for the period 2009-2014 was found during the audit of the Central Government. For this 145 million BGN, parking lots for 5,000 spaces can be built, Dimitrov added. According to him, when people ask why there are no parking spaces in Sofia, the answer is that they are given out for free.

In the words of the municipal councilor from the PP-DB-SS group Boris Bonev, it is a question of "free parking for close friends". Bonov specified that every year the mayor signs a large set of cards for free parking in blue and green zones, but with one exception - they have a user, number and reason, unlike the cards signed by the former mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova.< /p>

Boris Bonev asked if there were any famous journalists, sociologists, businessmen, as well as trade union leaders who used these free cards. He assured that since Vasil Terziev has been mayor of Sofia, this practice has been stopped.