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Private hospitals: NHIF is looking for a way to cut payments after lifting the limits

Health control needs to be improved and money for health care is sorely insufficient

Jun 3, 2024 15:04 305

Private hospitals: NHIF is looking for a way to cut payments after lifting the limits  - 1

Associations of state, municipal and private hospitals fear that the National Health Insurance Fund (NHOC) is looking for other ways to limit its payments to medical institutions after the Constitutional Court overturned the limits.

"The problem has long been known and a solution does not seem imminent. It is clear that the funds needed for health care in Bulgaria are insufficient. The symptoms we see in the system clearly indicate that there is no way out of the environment unless the picture changes. The technology using limits works in favor of the administration of the system over the necessary regulation of the state", commented Andrey Markov from the Bulgarian Hospital Association for "Bulgaria in the Morning".

Problems with health care funding have existed for years, he believes.

"Trying to impose limits is beyond this system. The right to spend funds should be limited and regulated. When patients decide where to be treated, it means hospitals can use over-the-top activity. We have had a deep problem for years - the lack of competition and competitive ways of financing health care. What is happening all over the world - a health insurance system to be upgraded with additional insurance that guarantees better patient access and social justice. Health costs are negligible compared to those for cars," added Markov to Bulgaria ON AIR.

According to him, no action is being taken to solve the health problem.

"There is also political pressure here. Data about where and how over-the-limit activities are obtained, where and how much have come out very clearly in the public space. Why are there so many in some places. Is this just related to patient selection, are there other factors. It's as if we're trying not to see the picture clearly, because at the moment, due to political competition, no one dares to take radical actions to solve the problem," commented the guest.

According to Markov, health control needs to be improved, and the money for health care is extremely insufficient.

"We are currently developing the health systems of the neighbors. People are also willing to sell property so they can get help. Clinical pathways are a model borrowed from other countries. The idea was to pay for activity performed, not for existence. They ensure that you get paid for something done. If the control by the controlling authorities is correct and there is no pressure from the bosses, the picture would be different. Insurance companies all over the world cannot spend a single lev over the target. The main problem is the lack of money for health and the inability to upgrade," he added.