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Expert: Expensive electricity and the Green Deal cannot be reconciled with Bulgarians

In Bulgaria, the practice of withholding the price of electricity for households continues, and the market must be freed

Jun 5, 2024 19:04 339

Expert: Expensive electricity and the Green Deal cannot be reconciled with Bulgarians  - 1

In Bulgaria, the practice of withholding the price of electricity continues electricity for households, and the market must be freed. People need to be taught and educated how to use electricity because now many people think it is free.

This is what the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association "Bulgarian Atomic Forum" warned BTA about. - "Bulatom" Bogomil Manchev.

Sooner or later the big increase in current will come, because we live in a community and there is no way that in one end of it, for example in Norway, the price per kilowatt hour is 42 cents, and in our country - 8.5, argued Manchev. And he pointed out that everyone buys a unit of energy on the exchange at the same price, the difference is only in its transmission.

He emphasized that it is mandatory for the state to make a classification of families which are energy poor and which are not. It should determine the amount of energy that can be used at a low price, and from then on everyone should pay for it at market prices, the expert explained.

We will not get away with the green deal, maybe in a milder form, but the goal of limiting emissions and high energy costs must be achieved, the expert added. According to him, in this regard, the main base is nuclear energy, RES-sources are the superstructure. According to him, in our country there is still little talk about the use of hydrogen for energy production, but in the near future efforts will be directed in this direction as well.