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Anton Hekimyan: Vasil Terziev will buy you buses and trolleybuses, but another time...

The Metropolitan Municipality relies on magic with bare promises of imaginary funds

Jun 13, 2024 10:37 97

Anton Hekimyan: Vasil Terziev will buy you buses and trolleybuses, but another time...  - 1

Terziev will buy you buses and trolleybuses, but another road... Another hollow activity of Terziev and the rescuers in the "desirable address" column. Eight months later, it is clear that the purpose of the fake change in the municipality is to make headlines, but no real work has been done. The capital municipality relies on magic with bare promises of imaginary means“.

This is what he wrote on his "Facebook" the municipal councilor from GERB-SDS Anton Hekimyan.

According to him, the “Ambitious“ plan for new rolling stock in Sofia's public transport is “another copy-paste” from the real work of GERB in the previous mandate.

„The Saviors“ they got used to making pomen with someone else's pita, now they have added a little “colored salt” with a little more investment. The big question – where will Terziev and his finance deputy Vasilev find money? We expected Terziev and his team to have done their work and indicated the sources of funding. Investments for more than one billion BGN, but without collateral - this is called misleading the citizens. Yes, GERB-SDS we are responsible at the national and local level and we will support this “wish” to modernize the rolling stock of ground urban transport. Moreover, we are co-sponsors of this report because we believe that GERB's policies should continue, he wrote.

„In the same way, in which we unprecedentedly supported the budget of the Capital Municipality, which was more than 95% copied from the budget of Mrs. Fandakova. We promised that the work for Sofia must continue. Terziev made a solo PR action, ignoring the municipal councilors from all groups, who received the assurance that public information would be provided to the media in a joint statement, the post reads.

Hekimyan lists facts that, according to him, PP-DB tried to erase.

„1. We are glad that they adopted the ideas of GERB from Decision No. 858/14.09.2023 in the following “their“ suggestions:

  • Delivery of low-floor air-conditioned articulated trams for a gauge of 1009 mm with a carriage length of 19-24 m
  • Delivery of 10 two-way (pendulum) low-floor and 10 one-way air-conditioned articulated trams for gauge 1435 mm with a length of 28-33 m
  • Delivery of 18 low-floor, air-conditioned articulated tramcars for a gauge of 1435 mm.
  • Delivery of 12-meter new low-floor air-conditioned methane buses
  • Delivery of 18-meter new low-floor air-conditioned methane buses

2. Rehabilitation of 40 Tatra T6А2 and Tatra T6В5 trams is proposed. By the end of the stipulated term for this, they will be 40 years old. There is no economic analysis comparing the costs of reconstruction with the purchase of new ones.

3. There is a lack of investment in infrastructure and the building stock to improve working conditions.

4. In the report, there is no repair of the railway track and depots. It will become like during the "Change" government, in which they wanted to buy trains for BDZ, but they run on broken rails. Now they offer new trams to run on unrepaired rail tracks.

In the name of transparency, which Terziev swears by, it would be good to include the tender procedures prepared by the companies in the transport and economy commissions. There should be a report from the mayor to the SOS every 6 months," concludes Anton Hekimyan's Facebook post.