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They are introducing a "water meter" fee

This change is due to the fact that greater social justice is needed

Jun 13, 2024 15:23 133

They are introducing a "water meter" fee  - 1

The regional ministry is discussing the idea of introducing a completely new method of water pricing. There was also talk of a "water meter fee".

The idea of a "water meter" is still under discussion, but it provides that anyone who has an apartment will pay such a fee, even if they do not live in it.

"I mainly want to emphasize that there will be no higher bills due to the fact that plumbing services are regulated and if as a result of this additional charge the revenues of the plumbing operators increase, then the regulator will assess these higher high revenues that will enter the companies, to what extent they will be able to implement the business plans that have protected each of the companies.

If it turns out that the revenue is more than what is needed for the implementation of the business plan, then in all probability the regulatory body will either hold the prices, or even there will be cases in which the prices of water services will fall", said the chairman of the Union of Plumbing Operators Angel Prestoiski in the studio of "Bulgaria morning".

"This change is due to the fact that greater social justice is needed when the revenues of the water companies are formed. Currently, there are consumers who have a property they haven't visited in years, but when they go to that property, they immediately use the full plumbing services available in that locality. But during those years when they were abroad, for example, someone paid the bills of the operators and maintained some kind of price in this designated territory.

The people who live there permanently pay for these services. With this fee, those people who own property are obliged to participate in the maintenance of this designated territory," Prestojski explained to Bulgaria ON AIR.

The bill is still in the public debate, but it has raised concerns about whether we will be paying higher water bills.