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The President announces on Monday the date on which he will convene the new NA

"I expect from statements to move to a dialogue between the political forces. It depends on them when and what kind of government we will have. I will announce on Monday when I will convene the National Assembly," said Rumen Radev

Jun 13, 2024 16:11 60

The President announces on Monday the date on which he will convene the new NA  - 1

President Rumen Radev will announce on Monday the date on which he will convene the new National Assembly. This was announced by the head of state himself after visiting the Ground Forces training center “Tyulbe” in Kazanlak.

The President again appealed for greater understanding between the parties.

"I expect from statements to move to a dialogue between the political forces. It depends on them when and what government we will have. I will announce on Monday when I will convene the National Assembly", said Rumen Radev.

Earlier, the leader of GERB, who won the elections 2 in 1, announced that the party is ready for negotiations, but will insist that the future prime minister be from their party. Boyko Borisov himself will not be a candidate for the post, but he is sending out a negotiating team with the aim of an expert government.

"We are opening the door to creating troops with unmanned systems. Without them we cannot think of modern operations. They are cheap and modern, they have a great effect. We start cooking people for them. Buying drones should happen much faster, it's a technological revolution. We can achieve serious capabilities with much less means. We'll catch up. Big projects are very important - planes, ships and infantry fighting vehicles, but they are very expensive", Radev also commented during the visit to Tyulbe.