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Iliya Lazarov: Another time Ivan Kostov started demonizing the DPS

Bulgaria has always progressed when it had a long-term government. It is key for the economy to have stable governance. It is good to have a political government. The expert cabinet is one of the options

Jun 13, 2024 22:52 248

Iliya Lazarov: Another time Ivan Kostov started demonizing the DPS  - 1

CEC distributed the mandates for the European Parliament. The future MEP from the GERB-SDS/EPP group, Iliya Lazarov, stated in the program "The Day ON AIR" that we should have a regular cabinet, because Bulgaria needs a stable government.

"Bulgaria has always progressed when it had a long-term government. It is key for the economy to have stable governance. It is good to have a political government. The expert office is one of the options. If he is an expert, BSP will not participate. Support is one thing, participation is another," he commented.

"Another time, Ivan Kostov started demonizing the DPS. DPS is not a curse, but one of the best things that happened in Bulgaria. Thanks to having such a party, we managed not to be like Serbia, Bosnia and all the civil wars in a disintegrating Yugoslavia. Would it have been better for the bins to rattle on "Vitoshka", Lazarov also told Bulgaria ON AIR.

"When you want to take away history, to have 15-16 types of gender, it inevitably causes a reaction. The more the neoliberal pressure on society becomes, the stronger the reaction will be. We see this in the US as well. There will be a sobering up of extreme liberalism. There will be respect for individual countries and traditional European values. We are seeing a sobering of Europe from the dictates of the neoliberals and the "greens", emphasized Ganiela Angelova's guest.

According to him, in France, President Macron made the right move to dissolve parliament and schedule elections.

"Elections in France are majoritarian. If Bardella and Le Pen achieve an outright majority in parliament, they will have to govern. Macron's move is: Come, govern, let's see what you will do", explained Lazarov.

The future MEP noted that the EPP is the first political force, and that there is no option to get an absolute majority in the EP.

"This parliament will reduce the influence of the "greens". There is already talk in the EPP that part of the Green Deal should be redacted. Excessive bureaucracy to be reduced and to consolidate on the main topics - foreign policy, defense and security. Europe is not moving towards the extreme right", Lazarov was categorical.

He drew attention to the fact that the decision on who will be the chairman of the EC will be taken by the heads of state and government participating in the Council. It is likely that Ursula von der Leyen will remain the president of the EC, Lazarov admitted and added that the EU must have a strong foreign minister.

The MEP expects us to enter land-based Schengen once Austria's internal problems are resolved.