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Hristo Ivanov: If GERB enters into an open coalition with DPS and ITN, it will cost Boyko Borisov an awful lot

Resigning and leaving the parliament is my way of telling people "Sorry!"

Jun 15, 2024 20:22 102

Resigning and walking out of parliament is my way of saying to people "Sorry!" and demonstrate that I understand failure and taking responsibility.

This was stated by the leader of "Yes, Bulgaria" in resignation Hristo Ivanov in the radio forum "Stalbishteto" on "Darik Radio" and declared that he would not run again for party chairman.

"I will be in Parliament on its first day, I will be sworn in and apply to be released. I think this is the more legitimate procedure than asking the CEC not to declare me elected. We will not follow this controversial order," Ivanov specified. He emphasized that the people in "Yes, Bulgaria" they bow their heads, but they believe in the strategically correct direction of their current policy.

"We believe that one way or another, this direction may turn out to be the only option. We were doing the right things, but in a way that was inappropriate on many levels," Ivanov explained. Asked to comment on the possible formation of a government after the elections, he stated:

"If GERB enters into an open coalition with DPS and Slavi Trifonov as a fig leaf, it will cost Borisov an awful lot and he knows it. Such a government will not happen because the GERB leader wants it, but because it is forced. It is no coincidence that he tries to hide from this in every way. If they form such a government and Peevski finally gets a large portion of power, they have nothing to do except repression and crushing", Ivanov was categorical. According to him, Delyan Peevski seeks to absorb Bulgaria.

The resigned political leader added that the seized power would be deeply illegitimate and scandalous, and Boyko Borisov himself admitted that GERB's electoral decline was due to its closeness to DPS.

"Peevski behaves with Borisov the way he used to behave with Denkov. He can't do anything else, because he knows that his internal position in the DPS is extremely uncertain," Ivanov also said. He expressed his belief that GERB and DPS were not winners in the previous elections, but PP-DB failed and as a result he resigned. Ivanov emphasized that his action did not come as a beautiful gesture, but because of the many mistakes made. A key one of them was the entry into government without having fully cleared the conversation with the voters.

"Peevski is what he is, mainly on the strength of our weaknesses. With the fact that for a decade now we can't agree on what we're rallying around - the idea that we're going to be apocalyptic radical and one day everyone will vote for us, or the idea that these kinds of middle-class urban communities always and everywhere rule in balances with other population groups. Based on this, these urban communities manage to place their priorities among a larger public group. This is the technology of compromise," Ivanov analyzed.

According to the representative of "Yes, Bulgaria" the PP-DB union did not manage to explain with what idea it appeared in the last elections. Ivanov outlined two opposing theses - on the one hand, the idea that what has been done in the last ten months is correct, and on the other hand, that what has been done is a problem and should be denied.

"That's how we got ourselves into this corner. It was seen that the voters do not want to give all the power to one camp and increasingly do not want to participate in such a conversation at all," Ivanov pointed out. And he added that the way out of the severe internal blockade and political crisis required an understanding beyond the self-serving confrontation and the game with a zero result.

"We can't hold elections until all the power comes to us to "draw" the other side. After all, the "outlining" is an ugly message from Slavi Trifonov that was attributed to me without ever saying it. The thesis that we will never compromise on anything no longer works, and you give us all the power and you will see, and until then we will be an apocalyptic opposition even if the world ends", Ivanov believes.

The resigned president once again described academician Nikolay Denkov as a good prime minister in a frantically difficult situation and without real support.

"One of the structural faults of this cabinet was that it did not initially recognize its limitations. We didn't make it clear to people, we didn't convince them. Before the election, we ramped up the negativity again - vote for us only because we are the opposite of those over there. In the past elections, those who tried to return to this positioning and for the seventh time in a row to enter the same river, remained on dry land", added Ivanov.

The politician said the most important work ahead is to have bigger narratives and conversations about ideas with voters. According to him, such a conversation should not be based on teaching, accusations and the presumption that if the other side is bad, our side is inevitably good.

"The longer you stand on the political field, you cannot continue to use this induction. It just doesn't work anymore," analyzed Ivanov. According to him, the goal of the political conversation from now on is to convince the middle class to conclude a new social contract for the direction of Bulgaria's development and from this point of view to look for balances.

When asked about the leader in preferences within PP-DB Bozhidar Bojanov, Hristo Ivanov stated:

"Bozhanov just talks and does the same thing - he reforms the state administration. He is the most consistent fighter for the administration in Bulgaria to reform, not to crush and harass the citizens, but to serve them. This man has done more on this subject than entire parliamentary majorities".