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Anton Kutev: GERB and DPS will run away from the coalition with the so-called expert cabinet

I believe in Peevski's ability to ensure that there is a government. I don't expect it to happen with the first mandate and Borisov doesn't want to. He doesn't want to compromise. We will come to the idea of whether it is Peevski or a third force. I personally think it will be Peevski, Kutev also commented

Jun 24, 2024 08:48 101

Anton Kutev: GERB and DPS will run away from the coalition with the so-called expert cabinet  - 1

The elections showed us the strong withdrawal of the citizens. Politicians failed to offer an alternative in which to pour these votes. This is what Anton Kutev said in the show "The Day Begins". on BNT, quoted by

According to him, there is no greater political bankruptcy than an expert government. "Do those who were ministers of agriculture not understand anything? Government deals with politics. It may not be a party, but it is not an expert government," he added.
I believe in Peevski's ability to ensure that there is a government. I don't expect it to happen with the first mandate and Borisov doesn't want to. He doesn't want to compromise. We will come to the idea of whether it is Peevski or a third force. I personally think it will be Peevski. Everyone will rally around him. I believe that there will be a government in this parliament, Kutev pointed out.

In his words GERB and DPS will escape from the coalition with the so-called expert cabinet.

Borisov and Peevski played a complicated dance. They destroyed the previous government. With the idea that if they went to the polls they could achieve more, they had the opportunity to eliminate the PP. Now they have 115 deputies, more than they had in the previous parliament. I don't know from their share to reduce the votes of "Revival" and a new political entity emerges. All their plans are fulfilled. There is no logic for them to fail and not to form a government. They will find a way to make a government and it will be stable, thinks Anton Kutev.

He expressed hope that BSP will not participate in a possible cabinet. "In the BSP there are people who are tempted to enter the administration. I think that the BSP will not enter into such a formulation, but I do not exclude individual people from getting involved," he added.

According to him, Cornelia Ninova will not return to the leadership post. "The president does not have a bad attitude towards BSP. He sought to have the support of the BSP. Warming of relations is possible. The president does not seek to influence the BSP, but the left. This influence may be stronger than that of the BSP.

"I don't expect there to be a presidential party in the next one or two years, Kutev was categorical.