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Prof. Georgi Lozanov: There is a risk that Bulgaria will say goodbye to democracy

"Controlled democracy" is the goal of those led by Russian President Vladimir Putin

Jun 16, 2024 18:08 95

Prof. Georgi Lozanov: There is a risk that Bulgaria will say goodbye to democracy  - 1

There is a risk that Bulgaria will leave the democratic orbit and return to some more old practices of social and political life.

Politicians should have told the reality in depth and in a historical perspective, instead of dealing with each other and only painting negative portraits.

This was stated before the BNR by the media expert Prof. Georgi Lozanov.

"What is missing is an important democratic narrative about what is currently happening in the world and in Bulgaria, which could possibly be communicated in such a way that it reaches the voters and they make their decisions and their choice based on a more a broad perspective, looking ahead to what awaits Bulgaria and the world, instead of dealing with specific fights between this and that politician, thrown phrases, compromising or other smokes that come on the scene, get blown up and the debate moves around them, instead let's see that the big battle right now is between democracy and dictatorship", he commented.

And added that "controlled democracy" is the goal of those led by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The media expert emphasized that the use of social networks and other platforms has the main defect that people increasingly perceive them as media, which they are not: "For something to be media, it must convey the same content to many people, but along with that, this content should be editorially responsible, ie. someone to ensure that it is produced according to professional standards, which social networks do not allow or require. Social networks have no commitment to produce content to any standards. Absolutely everything is possible there.