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The government changed the entire composition of the State Commission on Information Security

Rotation after an expired 5-year term

Jun 19, 2024 22:03 130

The Council of Ministers adopted a decision, which determines a new composition of the State Commission on Information Security. Petar Groshlev was appointed as chairman, Ivaylo Konakchiiski as deputy chairman and Bogdan Bogdanov, Dinko Lulev and Atanas Raidovski as members.

With the same government decision, Tsviatko Georgiev was released as chairman of the commission. Former members Simeon Nikolov, Alexi Alexiev and Ivo Velikov, whose 5-year term has expired, have also been released.

Peter Groshlev graduated from Vasil Levski VNVU, as well as from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1987 to 1992, he was a platoon and company commander in the Bulgarian Army. He worked in the field of security and internal order as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – as a police inspector, head of sector, director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications - Sofia.

Ivaylo Konakchiiski graduated from the "Panayot Volov" VNVAU. Long-term employee of the Ministry of Defense. He also worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, holding managerial positions, and currently works in the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Bogdan Bogdanov graduated from SU “St. Kliment Ohridski“ and the Ministry of Internal Affairs's Academy. He worked in the Ministry of the Interior, the National Security Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Agency for Refugees.

Dinko Lulev graduated from the University of Economics - Varna. He is a long-time employee of the National Security State Agency.

Atanas Rajdovski graduated from the Faculty of Law and History of SSU “Neofit Rilski“ - Blagoevgrad. He worked in the National Security Service at the Ministry of the Interior - Haskovo, and is currently an expert in the National Security Service.