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Daniela Bobeva: We are to blame for the higher inflation

We are not ready for the adoption of the euro, the financier believes

Jun 27, 2024 05:16 50

Daniela Bobeva: We are to blame for the higher inflation  - 1

Bulgaria will not join the eurozone from January 1, 2025. The reason – our country does not meet the inflation criterion. This is stated by the European Commission and the European Central Bank in published reports. It is indicated that Bulgaria has excellent indicators in the remaining three criteria - stable public finances, stability of the exchange rate and convergence of long-term interest rates.

„This is a unique convergent report”, financier Prof. Daniela Bobeva told bTV.

“First they were published very late, usually at the end of May and beginning of June. Suddenly we found out from “Politico” what's in them. How come these reports expire early? "The fact that information is leaking is not good, because these reports are considered not only politically, but also by the markets," commented Bobeva.

According to her, a question should be raised as to how the employees gave information about the reports in advance.

According to her, the other strange thing is that the two reports define inflation in a different way.

“We are entirely to blame for the higher inflation, because in the last one year we have always moved above the criterion by 1%, 2%. There were months when we were 3% above the inflation benchmark. "We didn't manage to bring down inflation, and it is internal," the financier explained.

“I am a little saddened by this report. We should have been praised, and the whole report is full of criticisms, which I am not saying are not justified, but we are nevertheless one of the few fiscally serious countries. After Sweden, we are the best in fulfilling the criteria and that deserves admiration, Bobeva said.

According to her, both politically and organizationally, we are technically not ready for the adoption of the euro.