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Atanas Zafirov: We did not apply for the third term

Timelessness in the government is a paradise for the mafia

Jun 27, 2024 05:13 47

Atanas Zafirov: We did not apply for the third term  - 1

"We did not apply for the third term, this was one of the topics of conversation with the president and vice president. We have expressed our readiness, if we reach a third mandate, to actively participate in this dialogue. I think it is wrong for political forces to predetermine the behavior of the president. Still, the presidential institution has all the leverage mechanisms to make an accurate assessment of which political force has the greatest chances.

This was stated by the acting chairman of the BSP Atanas Zafirov in "Day ON AIR".

According to him, Bulgaria needs stability, predictability, and there are too many issues to be resolved.

"It should be clear that whoever gets the third mandate, this party will be the formal winner. With it, a last attempt should be made to avoid early elections. If we once again enter this spiral of elections, it will be added to all the other crises. Most likely, we will soon have a constitutional crisis. If in these elections it was only hinted at some political monsters, then in the next elections real ones may appear, which will finally collapse the fragile trust in parliamentarism", commented Zafirov for Bulgaria ON AIR.

The major parties demonstrate a visible inability to deal with the situation, the MP believes.

"Despite the high percentages against the backdrop of low voter turnout, they are not real. We have no real winner in this election. The fact is that they are running away from responsibility. Apparently, the first mandate holder, GERB, does not cope with this commitment. I believe that we will make every effort to avoid early elections. Whoever the mandate goes to, we will at least listen to the proposals. For me, the most effective way is to talk to everyone and look for equally distant figures in this cabinet," he added.

What has become clear today shows a total collapse of statehood, Zafirov is categorical.

"This timelessness that is going on right now with these governments is a paradise for the mafia. For an adviser to the president to allow himself to recruit Bulgarian officers, this is very scary. A national representative reading correspondence of the head of the Bulgarian military intelligence means that there is some kind of leak in this system as well. This shows a very serious weakness in the way this system works. Each party, when it comes to power, changes, if not the heads, the deputy heads of the services. It breaks the offices, creates a bad image. It is a fact that certain political forces have turned it into practice," the guest pointed out.

According to him, there should be a pro-Bulgarian government that is responsible for Bulgarian interests.