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Kornelia Ninova: Boyko Borisov is afraid of Peevski

Boyko Borisov provoked the elections in order to weaken "We continue the change - Democratic Bulgaria" and for them to be a more comfortable partner.

Jun 19, 2024 19:38 154

Kornelia Ninova: Boyko Borisov is afraid of Peevski  - 1

I think there will be a government between GERB, DPS and "There is such a people", I don't know in what form. And I think that it is necessary to have, another election will be a disaster, those 30% who turned out for the last vote will not turn out either. Boyko Borisov challenged the elections to weaken "We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria" and for them to be a more convenient partner.

This is what he said in the show "Face to Face" on BTV the MP from the BSP Kornelia Ninova, who resigned as party chairman after the 2 in 1 elections on June 9.

We will, of course, vote against such a government, she added.

When asked if individual MPs from BSP might support a possible government of GERB, DPS and "There is such a people", Ninova said: "I don't believe they will be so stupid, I will do everything possible to prevent this from happening." There have always been attempts at outside influence, but I have stopped them. The "Borisov" model is harmful for Bulgaria. What I can, I will do in the group not to support a government of GERB, DPS and "There is such a people".

Borisov challenged the elections to weaken "We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria" and for them to be a more comfortable partner. The smaller partner can always be pressured by the larger one. At the moment, Borisov is afraid of Peevski and is looking for another partner for a screen. If "We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria" do it again, they have lost their minds, emphasized the former BSP leader.

She indicated that she resigned because of the "disastrous" results of the "red" on the vote. From there on, complicated processes started in the party. I want to address the socialists and say that they are the real party and in their hands is the salvation of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (abbreviated BSP). is happening with the BSP, there are completely different forces, Cornelia Ninova pointed out.

I want to tell people not to succumb to chaos, be real socialists and everything will be fine. Over the years I have come up against five very large groups of people and interests, they have come together and what has happened to me is the natural conclusion. Now these people want revenge. The first group are the so-called red barons. The second group is the "red" oligarchs who use BSP to amass personal wealth – type Gergov or Kiril Dobrev. The third group is the liberal, personified by Sergey Stanishev. They will never forgive me for my fight with gender ideology and my policy towards migrants. The fourth group is the so-called deep, parallel state, the "GERB" model, the "Peevski" model and everything around this model. In recent years, President Radev joined as the fifth group, she commented.

At the moment my colleagues are pawns in foreign hands and I kind of feel sorry for them. They will use them to do the dirty work and throw them away. They are now intoxicated and making mistake after mistake, Ninova also said, assuring that there is no option to withdraw her resignation.